If you wondering how the SOS March went in Washington, D.C., this weekend, here is a link to Valerie Strauss’ blog posting on the march from the Washington Post.
If you want a local angle, here is a dispatch from MPS mentor Amy Daroszeski, who was one of a number of local educators who made the trip out to a steamy D.C. to speak out in support of public education:
“Our workshop went VERY well! Highly engaged participants from all over the nation and even one attendee from British Columbia!
“The most flattering thing for me was when a Chicago principal approached me after the workshop and said, ‘You’re a loon and I want to hire you!’ and then handed me his card. He then went on to convince me to visit his school … pretty rad! Though I don’t really have any interest in moving to Chicago.
” The march had about 4,000-5,000 (?) people there and the speakers were great, including Amy Mizialko.
“The heat, however, was unbearable. I’m surprised I survived!”